
Offered at our convenient location in Cleveland, Ohio

kybella treatment at the matrix medspa

Kybella is one of the first FDA-approved treatments for contouring of the chin. The Matrix Medical Spa uses Kybella due its natural molecule ingredient already found in the human body. Kybella is an alternative to more invasive processes for improving the appearance of a “double chin.”

This nonsurgical solution includes several chin injections. It works by reducing and killing the fat cells under the chin area. If you have not seen results from diet and exercise, Kybella will fight your submental fat for you!

To speak to an experienced Kybella specialist in Cleveland, contact Matrix Med Spa at (216) 245-4525‬.

Before and After Photos

Kybella FAQs

How Long Will Kybella Last?

Kybella is a powerful injection that destroys fat cells under the chin. Once injected, the fat cells are destroyed and will no longer be able to store or accumulate fat. Once a patient has reached his/her goals, additional treatments will not be needed.

What is The Recommended Number of Kybella Treatments?

The number of Kybella treatments fluctuate from patient to patient. Each Kybella treatment plan is tailored and based around the patient’s personal and individual chin profile. However, once the treatments are completed, patients will not need to seek additional treatment for the problem area.

What Are Kybella’s Side Effects

Like any type of facial treatment, Kybella can have serious side effects for patients. However, most, if not all side effects, will subside within several months after the treatment. The most common side effects include: bruising, mild pain, numbness, and redness around the injection site. The most serious side effects include: difficulty to swallow, ulcers, open sores, hair loss, nerve injury in the jaw, and weakened facial muscles which can cause an uneven smile.